Monday, June 16, 2014

Baked Beets with Lemon Butter Sauce

Growing up, my home took the modern/western approach to cooking. Effortless cooking was the norm and that meant less prep work. As a result vegetables like beetroot that required peeling and were hard to chop were rarely on the weekday menu.

After spending several years in hostel, away from home and with my health freak hub S - the variety of veggies I take in has sky rocketed. Now, managing a full time job with a 2 hour commute each way - I can hardly get time to exercise. So the only thing I do is eat healthy and eat right. That means having home cooked meals most of the times, cooking fresh vegetables, going colorful and finding time to do all this!

There are days, when I stick to the simple melagu rasam to wash down the stomach and breathe easy, and other days that are one pot meals and subjis with a truck load of vegetables. On days with bad commutes or days when I just need to do something mindlessly to unwind - I pick up vegetables like beets.

Here's my quick hack at delicious beets - 

Listen to never-before-heard songs and peel and chop beets into discs. Toss them in a bowl with melted butter, salt and pepper and place in a baking pan/tray over aluminum foil. Bake at 350F for 20 mins or until tender, remove promptly and serve hot. These can be had as appetizers or snacks, and taste yummier with a side of lemon butter sauce (nothing fancy, just whisk salted butter and few drops of lemon juice together)

The beets simply crumble & melt in your mouth, leaving you wanting more!

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