Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tomato & Goat Cheese Muffins

While cookies and cupcakes are alright, I enjoy a Pakora / Bajji so much more. And since there aren’t that many stalls that sell Indian chaat where I live, I make spicy muffins that last a week. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Banana-Walnut Muffin

Banana Walnut Muffins as my friend S says in her blog (which is AWESOME btw !) is a quickie. Come Sunday, we do a usual trip to the Whole Foods nearby and pick up " Organic " Fruits & Veggies (thanks to K's obsession with organic food). A week later, it's a pity to see at-least 3 out of every dozen have dark black wrinkled skin in some forbidden corner of our fairly full refrigerator.

Hence, Banana Nut Muffins or Banana Nut bread gets made every week. This week, it's the muffin. Makes for a good snack (morning/ evening)

If you can get your hands on Walnut Oil, I'd recommend using that instead of Canola. It has a subtle flavor, very nutritious and high in unsaturated fat. Store in a refrigerator to prevent from becoming rancid. It will keep up for 3 months.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Butterscotch Coconut Cookies

I was never a big fan of cookies. Am not one, even now. But every now and then, it's a nice thing to take to your workplace. I tried to make these, as Butterscotch and Coconut are 2 of my favorite flavors - and they turned out pretty nice!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spiced Cake with Golden Raisins

Despite the multiple cuisines that I have access to, Indian is still the hands down favorite. Come Friday, our dinner choices default to Mylai Masala or Saravana Bhavan. So when it comes to cakes and baking, why not give it an Indian twist?

I baked this cake with a number of spices including Coriander, Cayenne Pepper & Cinnamon, and glazed with Honey on top. The combination was different and quite addictive. I'd urge you to try it. It tastes brilliant with a mug of Ginger chai!

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