Saturday, April 14, 2012

Brussel Sprouts with Dill Weed Dip

After trying SV's recipe of Brussel Sprouts the Indian way, I tried to go the easier route and make a simple + flavorful version of it last week. What you'll need is a bag of frozen brussel sprouts (or fresh, if you like it like that) and some lemon & pepper.

  • Preheat the oven to 350 F.
  • Quarter or halve the sprouts and toss them with 2 tbsp olive oil and salt in a big bowl. 
  • Layer a baking tray with parchment pepper and spread out the sprouts on the tray. 
  • Sprinkle some ground paper on top of the sprouts (or lemon pepper powder) and place them in the middle rack of the oven. 
  • Bake until brown (about 25 mins) and turn them around and bake for another 5 mins so that all sides are equally brown. Once baked, take them out and let them cool. 
  • Sprinkle some lemon juice (if you did not use lemon pepper powder).

For the dip, take a cup of yoghurt and add minced garlic, salt and chopped dill weed. That gets you a dip that tastes similar to the ones you get at Greek restaurants. Tastes yum !


  1. Hmmm... I've been wanting to make this one for long, but P hates brussel sprouts, this looks yummy though. Will try! :)

  2. :) Yay! Try maadi. Actually, tastes pretty awesome with the dip or sauce.

  3. Tried a combination of your recipe + SV's recipe - Wuickly sauteed all your ingredients (Brussel sprouts, minced garlic with a little lemon salt in olive olive oil) for 5 minutes and added it to a cup of yogurt with some dill weed. Tasted awesome. More like an indian brussel sprouts pacchadi in 5 minutes.


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